Kingsley Kennels

Late 1987 on the Seabee Naval Base in Port Hueneme, California

Kingsley Kennel's gets its name from a place very near and dear to my heart. Though I remember many memories growing up... my first Shetland Pony named Sugar, and my Mustang Candy, the BEST memories, were of my dad, Gary Kingsley. He didn't know that I was going to be a part of my life, nor did he know the crazy dreams that my mother Lois Denny had of creating the perfect companion breed; but he succeeded in being the best memories of my entire life and the foundation to what makes me the strong, honest, forthright person that I am today.

I remember mom getting her first dog grooming shop, and I remember the animals that she worked with growing up, and learning how to groom dogs, and how to work with them and all that comes with it (I even learned the 3 day boot camp for dogs! Phew... that was something else!) but the time I loved the most, was when I was 10, shortly after my dad retired from the Navy after 22 1/2 years, we moved to Cold Springs Ranch, 3 miles past Rose Valley in the Ojai mountains.

Dad had 42 acres to care take; full of apple, peach, asian pear trees and so many others, along with horses and donkeys and of course, mom's as they were called at that time, "Shepalute's". The first lines, those first litters, the first births and learning how to ensure the safety of the dogs and their environment were all a part of my growing up. From the 5AM wake up to drive the 15 miles to the bus stop at the bar, "The Wheel" to go the additional 18 to 20 miles to my school and then coming home to clean dogs, water them, play with them and then ride horses up on BLM property in the Los Padres National Forest, to tending the garden, this was my life for the next 6 years. When I left High School to get my GED in '95 and went on to create a family in '96 until 2007 when I moved back with mom, I was a Navy wife of 2 Autistic boys and 2 girls.

In 2007, when I took my kids and left my husband for reasons unnecessary to put down, my mother helped us by giving us a place in her home until I had gotten a Bachelors in Game Art and Design and 3 MBA's in 2015, bought my own property, had my house built and went on to work and continue to build what would become in 2022, Kingsley Kennel's.

The stories in between are long, detailed and full of laughter and sorrow... but they are what makes me who I have become, and they are what makes me strong enough and knowledgeable enough to finally be ready to help Lois while she retires, to continue her line of American Alsatians that she pictures as her "Dire Wolves" and allow her to continue watching and guiding me with them, while she moves over to create the Fox Project seen here:

I can't wait to help each and everyone of you not only to see if our large companion breed is what you desire in your life, or if another breed would be most suited for you and your family, but to help you find your first and I know what won't be your last, American Alsatian, in all it's Dire Wolf stature and size for your next companion dog.