Waiting List

Waiting is hard to do...

Scroll Down to find the waiting list: (Please email me if your name is not up here and you have made your deposit)

You have a choice of any litter and as many litters as you would like until you find your puppy!
You MUST make your choice when the pup turns six weeks old and you are up on the list; no exceptions.
You can let me know at any time BEFORE that, if you are "interested" in a pup or litter.
It is YOUR responsibility to contact me and YOUR responsibility to know your pick date.


This is the infamous mystery "LIST" of folks waiting for a pup.
It is YOUR responsibility to contact me before the litter of your interest is 6 weeks old!
If your name is in BOLD, you must contact me!!! OR BE PASSED UP.


Please let me know if you want to be REMOVED


12/22/2015 Trip Houston (Missing from original list) 300


3-16-2016 Nikii Beckett (600) Female dire wolf *Waiting*


5-1-2017 Kelly Hoover (600.00) *Waiting until she retires*
08-22-2017 Dawn Offutt/Lee (600)


5-03-2018 Malinda Bassett yogi ball (Jen)
8-16-2018 Bryan Goldman (600)
8-22-2018 Godfather/Krista Ried (600) *Laddie Boy/Pup*
11-03-2018 Shannon K (600) (Jen)


1-14-2019 Karen Kennett Johnson (600.00)
8-8-2019 Tricia Nevin (600) *Waiting on the side*
08-02-2019 Shona Trussel (600) *Waiting, will contact when ready!*
09-09-2019 Logon Taylor (600) black/silver large
11-15-2019 Brett Gallcowski (600)


1-9-2020 Molly Statczar's (600.00) *Waiting until College is finished*
1-15-2020 Katie Wright (600.00) *Waiting on the side*
4-18-2020 Brooke Coopman (600) *Waiting on the side to finish school*
6-2020 John Obert-Hong
7-8-2020 Tracy Little (600) *Has Kip*
7-10-2020 Kaitlyn and Rozz Myall (600) *Waiting on the side*
7-22-2020 Anthony P (600)
8-17-2020 George Llewellyn Emily Janice Helen Bilotti (600.00) Hiking and walking dog -Chibi-
10-10-2020 Christa (Baloo)
10-15-2020 Abby Flutty (600.00) messenger
11-18-2020 Michael Phillips (600) (waiting) Ambassador pup *waiting for a bit*
11-27-2020 Nicole Tangen (Jones) (581.99) PayPal
12-11-2020 Brian Fields (600) PayPal *Merida* Waiting


1-5-2021 Coleen Nillson (600) PayPal
1-26-2021 Dorothea Evan's (582.30) PayPal
1-29-21 Maura Fry (Connor) (600.00) PayPal
2-8-2021 Colter Cederlof (600) PayPal (Waiting on the side)
2-24-21 Roberto Venegas (600)
3-13-2021 Kendall and Bek Waid (Jen's List)
10-4-2021 Cary Altlas (600)
11-30-2021 Stephen Councilman (600) PayPal *Darker Pup*
12-11-2021 Evan Siegrist (600) Paypal


1-18-2022 Rick Anderson (600 Check) Silver Sable

2/7/2022 Michelle Rafferty (600)
1-22-2022 Breanne Funk (582.17 PayPal)
2-19-2022 Kevin and Wendy Perera (600 PayPal)
2-22-2022 Ben and Josie Sheehan (582.17 PayPal)
4-11-2022 Michelle Freitas (600 PayPal)
4-17-2022 John & Lauren Rammel PayPal 600 (Got a Golden. Will contact when ready.)
9-12-2022 Michael T (600 PayPal)


2-21-2023 Margaret Morgan (pup from the same litter as Mindy, like Hagrid) (600.00)
3/16/2023 Thomas and Susan W (800)
3/24/2023 Christine L (600)
6/26/2023 John and Michelle Sapp 600 Check (email me when you're ready!)
7/26/2023 Edison Hymowitz (600 Venmo Waiting 6 to 10 months)
7/28/2023 Krunal Patel (Venmo 600)
9/1/23 Missy Nicholl (Second Pup) Check ($500)
9/23/2023 Adam and Heather Meuser (600 Venmo)
10/16/23 Anthony/Tony and Anna Portee (600 Paypal)


1/13/24 Lori Hyrup (600 PayPal)
3/8/24 Zach Pachol (600 Venmo) Large Therapy Dog
4/23/24 Shari Polk 600 (Venmo)
5/1/24 Silviya Mace 600 (PayPal)
5/16/24 Elena Hutchinson 600 (Venmo)
6/17/2024 Shenelly Rivera (600 PayPal)
6/18/2024 Jesse Berg (600 Check)
7/14/24 Emily Thorne (Venmo 600)
9/1/2024 Olivia Puleo (Venmo 600)
10/28/24 Darcie Palm (589.50 PayPal)
11/20/24 Tammy Warren (600 Check)
12/14/24 Tristan Brand (600 Venmo)

12/28/24 Kathryn Harvey (600 Venmo)


2/9/25 Monica Webb (640 PayPal)

Replacement Puppy List

Dondi Ratliff
Anna Wannamaker
Eric & Carolyn Harbort
AJ Rogers
Erica Saunders Bromley
Josh Bortman
Bill and Krystle
MESSAGE AMEY WHEN YOU ARE READY @ schwarzdogs@aol.com or 541-538-8224

Inactive Depositor's & Missing Names

If you are here, it is because I have not heard from you, you haven't been in my ears telling me, "I'm ready!!!", or you have told me specifically that you are waiting on the side. If I have moved you incorrectly but I have done so because I haven't heard from you... then you need to tell me so that I can become aware of your "active" status. :) Thank you!!!

If your name is no longer on this list, it is because I have not heard from you for over 5 years. Per our Puppy Application Reply, you have 5 years to choose your puppy. With that being said, if your name is missing and you contact me, ready for your puppy, we can still chat!

8-20-2015 Rob Skoog Emily Kane (Last contact, 2015) - Also not in the AA Owners Group
9-7-2015 Lauren and Nick-Paul Dubae (Last contact, 2018) Also not in the AA Owners Group
10-25-2015 Kelly B.McMahan (Can't find anything on you? Also haven't heard from you?)
6-9-2016 Kate Serdy *Waiting*
6-10-2016 Schyler Cox (300) *Waiting*
4-19-2017 Stuart Parker (600) (Can't find anything, nor see contact) Also not in the AA Owners Group
12-04-2015 Jennifer Wood
12-20-2015 Avalon Hernandez (300)
4-28-2016 M&M Beaulieu (600) Bought a GSD
6-6-2016 5-31-2016 Eduardo Rabago Mexico (600) *Waiting*
6-4-2016 chyRainlight'snith (600) Male intimidating large dog 1st dog
08-07-2017 Pettra Broen (600)