Vega "Vegas"

Registration ID: SF20300-4 (F-2)
Breed: American Alsatian
Birth Date: Jan. 7, 2015
Sex: Female
Sire: Vallecito's Storm
Dam: Franny von Tax
Litter: Vallecito's Storm X Franny von Tax 2015


Notes on Vegas

Jan-7-2015 BIRTH NOTES:

  • dark silver sable
  • reverse colors
  • black point

Health Record

wormed: 2-6-15
nemex 2-12-15
nemex 3-25-15
Dhalp+pv 3-25-15
dalp+CV 2-21-15
heartworm: 5-5-15
1-2-16 Da2p+pv
1-11-16 nemex2 Shots:
1-2-16 da2p+PV (distemper,adenovirus2,parainfluenza,parvo modified live ser UY-300-063A Exp19May16
2-24-17 Nemex2
2-24-17 dhapv

Photo Gallery


Vallecito's Storm GreyHawk's Mount Rainier Wakon's Snow Cedar
Wakons Meadow
Isis's "Nadine" Von Beamer Beam of My Eye
Franny von Tax Big Bear Taz Von Titan
Isis's "Nadine" Von Beamer Beam of My Eye


Boss X Vegas 2017

About the Litter (American Alsatian F-3)

About This Litter: (second litter)

This is the litter for everyone.

Boss is out of: Hammer who is from a long line of Irish Wolfhound/Giant Malamute lines. This line gives girth and height, but the Blossom side in Boss gives short and bone, thus you have Boss and all the pups of that Blossom litter. Blossom was the best female we have ever had in conformation and as she matured in temperament and lovability. These lines on the Blossom side go back 28 years.

  •    When boss is bred to any bitch, his genetics will slow down the hyperness with large bones and girth. His pups should all come out very girthy and give height to all our smaller sized bitches in their pups.

Vegas is out of: Storm x Francis with Storm being a girthy male with a loving personality and goofy as well as fluffy. Francis being the gsd working lines and velcro. Storm was not velcro so this balanced out the Francis side. Francis' genetics goes back to the beginning of the breed in 1987.

  • Vegas is a bit velcro and wanting to please, but she sometimes doesn't come when called showing her Malamute side. Vegas did not get the girth i wanted out of her first litter bred to the Rock, but, when bred to the Boss she will. (scroll down to see her first litter of pups and Join Face book and friend me to see them in our 'closed' face book of owners.)
  • WHAT WE GOT: shorter muzzles and yellow eyes. Some on the tall side, others showing the shorter legs. Tall trumps short. Skinny trumps girth.  OLD STYLE AM. ALSATIANS

Gangster Boss Names
Litter number:

Pups in this litter include: Anastasia, Bonanno, Brasco, Gambino, Gotti, Greselda, Lambardo, Pitera, Rosetta

The Boss Marllory Dadiana 'Chacon' Rossell Von Vegas

Sex: Female
Collar Color: Yellow

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Capone Puppy
The Boss's "Capone" Von Vegas

Sex: Male
Collar Color: Blue

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anastasia walking wolf.jpg
Vegas's "Anastasia" von Boss

Sex: Female
Collar Color: Pink

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River's Rock of Ages X Vegas 2016

About the Litter (German Shepherd)

What we will get from a Rock Stud: Dark pups with yellow eyes and erect ears. Med/long coats. Girthy. May have some brindling? Longer tails than what i like. Heavy set. These pups will be friendy pups. not as velcro.

How i feel about this litter:   Turned out really nice. I am pretty amazed at myself. Well not really, i already knew. These pups are going to be amazing. Better than both parents. We have a combination of the two here. The smart intelligent gsd bonding paired with the soft, loving kind hearted IW and a touch of the Giant Mal. Amazing dogs. Should be easy to train and scary looking.

  • If you want a protection dog that isn't mean, this dog WILL deter folks from coming into your yard with just the looks alone. Massive bones and heavy of weight. Some smoother coats, some a bit longer. Cant wait until you all see them as they get older.


Rocks Fremont Street Von Vegas

Sex: Male
Collar Color: Green

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Rocks Paris Von Vegas

Sex: Female
Collar Color: Red

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Rocks Fremont Street Von Vegas X Vegas 2017

About the Litter (American Alsatian F3)

All puppies will have intense yellow eyes. All pups will be dark. Breeding Mother to Son to  bring anything out to the front so we can see it. Any issues at all will come forward and we can eliminate the problems, if any.
So far they are extremely quiet with no issues.

Vegas's "Cassi"opia Sassy Von Fremont

Sex: Female
Collar Color: Yellow

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Vegas's Doctor Seuss "Doc" Von Fremont

Sex: Male
Collar Color: Green

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Vegas's Pheonix Rising Von Fremont

Sex: Male
Collar Color: Blue

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Vegas's Tucana Black Boulder "Bo" Von Fremont

Sex: Male
Collar Color: Black

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