Saigons "Q-Leanna" Von Q

Registration ID: | QS3/10002-11 |
Breed: | F1 Mastiff |
Birth Date: | April 2, 2018 |
Sex: | Female |
Sire: | Mr Q Ball |
Dam: | Swan's Saigon Von Finn |
Litter: | Mr Q Ball X Swan's Saigon Von Finn 2018 |
12-11-18: She has become a very indoor loving, cautious pup. She was bred or rather tied' with a male but it did not take. I think we used Capone. No matter, large dogs usually do not breed until they are in a second heat or even third. She is a loving, kind soul. She does not want to do anything wrong. Training her one must use a very soft loving way about them and food will always work! She sleeps in a large wire crate in the walk in closet in my bedroom and doesnt like to be without me, though she has been left in the room with a baby gate for hours alone. She does tear up blankets or takes the stuffing out of stuff, but once you tell her not to, she will not do it again if you are on top of it. All one has to do is pay attention and talk to her. There is no need to raise your voice much with these pups. They do NOT like confrontation and will go hide if they think you are mad or angry at them. Like elephants they do not forget.
- She was the boldest and most loving pup of the litter.
- 12-20-19 Qleanna is still leary of all strangers. She loves food and will get up into the van if you throw in a chicken leg. She can eat up to 10 lbs of chicken in 15 min.
When strangers come to our place, she waits until they sit down and then she is the first one over, wagging her tail for love and pets. She LOVES to be hugged and talked to. She sits and lays her head in your lap.
At first when i go to see her, she jumps up in the air about 3 times, then wags her entire hind end and runs about 8 ft, then waits there. That's it. I go into the kennel and sit down and she will come and hug me and stay as long as i am sitting there.
She asks to go inside because she likes to be in the house with me. She has the closet of my bedroom as her own space. It is filled with rugs and blankets, a large pot of water and some bones. She stays there all day. I take her outside and let her walk around for about 20 min, then she comes back inside to sleep and eat again. She goes out 4 times a day.
She doesn't like to be with the other dogs, though she likes them. They are too crazy for her. She doesnt like hyperness, nor does she like to be confronted by other dogs. She likes humans best. She will tolerate one dog at a time for about 20 min. She does not play with them.
She is ok walking around the stores and shops as she is not a crazy dog. She walks right beside me as a mobility dog. It is very easy for her to wait and support me. She will NOT go down stairs or on an esculator.
180 lbs? Mastiff like.
1st litter: Bred with Al to beget: 2 pups. 1 co owned with jennifer.
2nd litter: Bred with Mulan and Naga : Had 13 puppies. Kept 6 pups. 2 died after given shots at about 3 months of age. remaining pups are : lori; leloo; Penny; Lucy. Penny died at 1 yr old. (Unknown). hung on for 3 - 4 days. Put to sleep at vets office.
Qleanna was sold after her second litter.
Health Record
12-10-18 bred with Capone?
2-10-19 was suppose to have her pups. not pg.
6-24-19 in season Did not wish to bred.
10-4-19 giardia med in water
9-5-19 Dha2lp + PARVO+ cvk+ influenza
12-25-19 should be in heat?
Photo Gallery

Mr Q Ball | ||
Swan's Saigon Von Finn | Booker T/Moody Blue | Panayotis Aspiotis (Lobo) |
Autumn's Summer Rain | ||
Rosie's Black Swan | Vallecito's Storm | |
My Wild Irish Rose |