Trixy's "Sela Red Dog" Von Capone

Registration ID: | CB3002-5 |
Breed: | American Alsatian |
Birth Date: | Aug. 21, 2018 |
Sex: | Female |
Sire: | The Boss's "Capone" Von Vegas |
Dam: | Belatrix Lastrange Von Merlin |
Litter: | Capone X Belatrix Lastrange Von Merlin 2018 |
8-21-18: Red nose, brown, silver sable. Star burst on chest. long tail. dk brown points. large pup. feet first. fat tail. easy going pup. ok on back. long neck. long coat? hungry. stands on back legs. long legs. steel gray? silver blue? masculine pup.
9-18-18: Friendly enough for an AA. passes with 10. Very high scores. I will NOT breed red noses so i must sell her. Great temperament, equal to LaForge, even better. Standoffish enough. Perfect scores. Keeping an eye on this one.
9-22-18: She has now gotten to know the big world outside of her den. She is pretty much ok with stuff happening around her now and as pups go, she is right on track.
Sela is a thinker, she is not in a hurry, yet. She is still a baby and still cautious. She will be a lap dog and dedicated to her owner. Will not bother other animals. Will be ok with another dog in her pack. doesnt matter how small the dog is. She will be ok with children i just want to remind you that our dogs are not dogs, but more like autistic in that they think and do have emotions. She will learn just by watching things. she will want and need to be in your lap.
- Quiet this pup down, do not allow her to get overly excited and become stupid. Man i hate that in a dog. She has a great brain and it is up to the new owners to TEACH the pup. If you teach a pup at a very young age they never will get stupid. lol. She is watchful and will pick up the lessons if you just show her what it is you want from her. Reward good behavior only. Do not reward bad behavior. If she is being stupid, walk away, dont give her your love. When she is gentle and quiet, reward her. Do not pet her if she is not 'quiet' and still. All dogs do this and all dogs learn these things. it is the owners who need to learn how to bring out the best in a dog, so... here i am. free of charge. I am here for you to tell me what you are doing and i can tell you how to fix it. Use me.
- This is a great pup. She is sensitive, watchful, loving, kind. I will now take her and start the molding process. Watch for my video's and photos with descriptions on face book. I will continue to keep up the notes here on her page.
9-24-18: Sela is now coming out to me. I have done a lap therapy with her today for a very short time. Breathed in her face, loved on her, whispered sweet high pitched sounds to her because she was uncertain it was going to be a pleasant experience. After i put her back down. She thought her way out of it and went back to the den, but did not go under. She did look back at me and was ok with it.
Soon after, she saw me petting DeeDee and Riker so she came over and sat with me also.
Again i picked her up and loved on her. Standoffish, but its ok at this age. We want standoffish. As they continue to mature they get more friendly and accepting. The very friendly pups become a problem. This gal will be a very loving sweet pup who will not get into too much trouble. She has learned to push out the chain link fence and to get into the other kennels. She is a digger and chewer and some prey drive. Will go after stuff i throw for her.
5-17-19: Its about time she grew up. Sela is now very loving and kind and slowing down. She is not as hyper playing and fighting with the puppies Stella and SuSu. She is more aggressive now to all the other dogs as she should be. I do believe she is pregnant. She loves people and will sit for hours with strangers that come to visit us. She is prego so she is more loving and has slowed down a lot. Matured.. finally...
Health Record
Came into season on 4-20-2019 and put in with Quentin
At the end of her heat, i put Buck in with her as i had not seen a tie with Quentin. 10 min later Buck had it done, so i knew i would have pups but i did not know who the sire would be.
6-25/26-19 Sela whelped 9 pups
6-28-19 Sela laid on turquoise collar. now only 8 pups.
7-29-19 WORMED
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