Pepper X Lori 2021
About the Litter (American Alsatian)
11/15/2021 They are on their way!!
11/9/2021 Lori is having the time of her life in the house, getting chicken, goodies and lots of love! She is due any day and we will be keeping the site up to date, as well as Lois's Facebook page (if you have not friended her, you can do so at
11-27-21: Ok, here is the update on the Lori x Pepper litter. BETTER THAN THE PARENTS is what we have here! As we figured, but as breeders we have to assume the worst and wait for the best. Again, we have DIRE WOLVES...............Since we kept 4 of Qleanna's pups to be absolutely sure we would have pups from all that i have done before this, we can sell all but one. But which one? Everyone but the white face pup has scored HIGH on our AmAlsatian charts and this is why it is so difficult for me to 'choose' which one stays. So how we go from this now is... Who do we NOT need..... This is now coming from a 'breeders' view, not as a pet owner or DireWolf owner as all pups will be direwolfish looking as i predicted when i kept the four out of Qleanna.
I am extremely clingy with these pups and i am not easily going to let them go. You are going to have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to get one away from me.. Ok... So, as a breeder we do NOT need a female.. (lucky you that want females !).. Those will be the first up for sale. As a long time breeder i shall keep ONE female up in price (just in case) as we do NOT want to not be able to bounce back if (God forbid) something should happen to any of these pups, so now i can put prices on the females. [This is how we do our choosing and pricing]. Go to each pups page and the for sale page for prices as they come down...At six weeks old we shall have our pick and all prices set... Thank you for loving my dogs <3
12-7-2021 All puppies and Lori were wormed with NemexII
1/6/2022 Please see the individual puppies pages for additional notes.
Prediction Litter: PEPPER X LORI
Why: This is a young female and Pepper is a seasoned male. Not a bad pairing as Lori is all girth. Lori is a Naga pup and Naga is 3 generations of dire wolf looking males. Dark brindling though lori is a light golden sable kind of a dog. pepper is not a 'mastiff' looking dog at all. He is a peppery color of agoiti like coloration and looks more like a wolf or german shepherd dog. I love his wolfish coat but it was short when a pup. Like the IW that he took after, his coat has been growing as he matures. Slow and steady this boy is looking more and more like a mastiff in girth/size. hmmm...
The following is a 'prediction' of what i think we shall get
Ears: All pups should have up ears.
Head: All pups should have a nice size head.
Eyes: All pups should have light colored eyes
Hieght: med/tall
Weight: 125-130
Feet: med
Tail: SHORT nice straight tails
Coats: I am hoping all coats are pepper coats with some harsh outer guard hairs
Conformation: should all be nice straight solid dogs
Color: some should be silver sables but most will be gold sables with dark skin and points
Temperament: Fantastic laid back pups getting only better with age. easy going, a bit standoffish but with age will be fine. not overly friendly going up to strangers wagging tails and jumping.. my pups wont do that.
Notes: I am eager to see what we get.